Dental CareCan You Eat Strawberries After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Can You Eat Strawberries After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you have recently undergone wisdom teeth removal, you may be wondering what foods you can eat during the recovery period. You may also be craving some fresh fruits, such as strawberries, to satisfy your sweet tooth and boost your vitamin C intake. But can you eat strawberries after wisdom teeth removal? Are they safe and beneficial for your healing process? Or do they pose any risks or complications?

In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with a comprehensive guide on what to eat and what to avoid after wisdom teeth removal. We will also share some tips and recipes on how to enjoy strawberries in a safe and delicious way.

Eating strawberries after wisdom teeth removal is not recommended. Strawberries have many small seeds that can irritate the surgical area and cause pain. They are also hard to chew and may damage the healing process. Instead of strawberries, you should eat soft foods that are easy to swallow and rich in nutrients. Some examples are blended soups, broths, Greek yogurt, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and smoothies. These foods can help you recover faster and prevent complications. You should avoid strawberries and other fruits with seeds, such as blackberries and raspberries, for at least a week after the surgery. You can also ask your dentist for more advice on what to eat and what to avoid after wisdom teeth removal.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Strawberries After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Strawberries are one of the most popular and nutritious fruits in the world. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, folate, potassium, and manganese. They have many health benefits, such as:

  • Boosting your immune system and preventing infections
  • Supporting your wound healing and collagen synthesis
  • Reducing inflammation and pain
  • Lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Improving your blood sugar control and preventing diabetes
  • Enhancing your mood and cognitive function
  • Protecting your skin and eyes from UV damage

Eating strawberries after wisdom teeth removal can help you reap these benefits and speed up your recovery. However, there are also some drawbacks and risks of eating strawberries after wisdom teeth removal that you need to be aware of.

What Are the Risks of Eating Strawberries After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

While strawberries are generally healthy and delicious, they are not the best choice for the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. This is because Strawberries have tiny seeds that can get stuck in the extraction site and cause irritation, infection, or dry socket. A dry socket is a painful condition where the blood clot that forms over the wound gets dislodged or dissolved, exposing the underlying bone and nerves.

Strawberries are acidic and can sting or burn the extraction site, especially if you have stitches or open wounds. This can delay your healing and increase your discomfort.

Strawberries are crunchy and require chewing, which can put pressure on the extraction site and cause bleeding or swelling. Chewing can also dislodge the blood clot or the stitches and interfere with your healing.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid eating whole strawberries for at least a week after wisdom teeth removal. You should also avoid other fruits that have seeds or are acidic, such as raspberries, blackberries, kiwis, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, pineapples, tomatoes, etc.

How to Eat Strawberries Safely After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you really want to eat strawberries after wisdom teeth removal, you need to follow some precautions and guidelines to ensure your safety and comfort. Here are some tips on how to eat strawberries safely after wisdom teeth removal:

Wait for at least a week after wisdom teeth removal before eating strawberries. This will allow your extraction site to heal sufficiently and reduce the risk of complications.

Choose ripe and soft strawberries that are easy to mash or blend. Avoid unripe or hard strawberries that are difficult to chew or swallow.

  1. Cut the strawberries into small pieces or puree them with a blender or food processor. This will remove the seeds and make them smoother and easier to eat.
  2. Mix the strawberry puree with other soft foods, such as yogurt, ice cream, pudding, oatmeal, smoothies, etc. This will dilute the acidity and add some flavor and nutrition to your diet.
  3. Eat the strawberry mixture with a spoon or a straw. Avoid using a fork or a knife that can poke or scratch the extraction site.
  4. Rinse your mouth with water or salt water after eating strawberries. This will help wash away any residue or debris that may remain in the extraction site.

Some Strawberry Recipes to Try After Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you are looking for some easy and tasty strawberry recipes to try after wisdom teeth removal, here are some ideas:

  1. Strawberry yogurt: Blend some fresh or frozen strawberries with plain or vanilla yogurt until smooth. Add some honey or maple syrup for sweetness if desired. Enjoy as a breakfast or snack.
  2. Strawberry pudding: Blend some fresh or frozen strawberries with milk, cornstarch, sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth. Transfer to a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Pour into a bowl and refrigerate until set. Enjoy as a dessert or snack.
  3. Strawberry oatmeal: Cook some instant oatmeal according to the package directions. Stir in some strawberry puree and honey or maple syrup for sweetness if desired. Enjoy as a breakfast or snack.
  4. – Strawberry smoothie: Blend some fresh or frozen strawberries with milk, yogurt, banana, and honey or maple syrup for sweetness if desired. Enjoy as a breakfast or snack.


Strawberries are a nutritious and delicious fruit that can aid in recovery from wisdom teeth removal. However, they have drawbacks and risks to consider. To eat safely after wisdom teeth removal, wait at least a week, choose ripe, soft strawberries, cut or puree them, mix them with other soft foods, eat with a spoon or straw, and rinse your mouth. Try some strawberry recipes to add variety and flavor to your diet. This article aims to answer your question on whether to eat strawberries after wisdom teeth removal and provide useful tips and information. Happy healing!

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