FitnessStaying Physically Active During Long-Term Disability Settlements: Tips For A Healthier Future

Staying Physically Active During Long-Term Disability Settlements: Tips For A Healthier Future

Staying physically active while navigating through a long-term disability settlement negotiation can seem daunting. Choosing between settling with a disability insurance company or continuing to receive monthly benefits is difficult for anyone. It’s an emotionally charged time where one can feel overwhelmed, confined, or even trapped. But maintaining physical activity during this period is not only possible, it’s also crucial to your overall health and well-being. It’s a proactive step towards ensuring a healthier future.

This article shares practical tips on how to remain physically active during such challenging times.

Start With A Suitable Routine

Your first step in maintaining physical activity during your long term disability settlement negotiation is finding the right routine. It’s not about diving into intense workouts, but about finding something suitable that your body can handle, which also respects the limits of your current health condition. Consulting your doctor or a physical therapist is an excellent place to start. They can guide you through the most appropriate exercises and suggest modifications when necessary. Regularly engage in this routine, pacing yourself, and listening to your body’s signals.

Maintain Regular Walks

Walking is a simple, yet effective form of physical activity that requires no special equipment. Even if your mobility is restricted, short strolls around the neighborhood or your home can greatly improve circulation, boost mood, and contribute to overall physical health. Try to gradually increase your walking distance or time as your strength improves.

Try Chair-Based Exercises

If your mobility is significantly impaired, chair-based exercises can be a lifesaver. These include a variety of movements that help improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. From arm raises to seated leg extensions, these exercises can be performed while seated, offering a safer, more accessible means of physical activity.

Embrace Water Therapy

Water therapy, or hydrotherapy, is a low-impact exercise that can be highly beneficial, especially for those with mobility challenges. The buoyancy and resistance of water lessen the strain on your joints, making movements easier and pain-free. Many physical therapists recommend water therapy for its therapeutic benefits.

Incorporate Yoga And Mindfulness

Yoga is not just for the physically able. With adaptations, it can be an excellent practice for individuals with disabilities. It promotes flexibility, strength, and balance, while also enhancing mental wellbeing. Mindfulness, often integrated with yoga, also plays a crucial role in managing stress and improving mood, thereby contributing to overall wellness.

Consider Adaptive Sports

Adaptive sports can open up a new world of physical activity for individuals with disabilities. These are competitive or recreational sports for people with disabilities and come with modified equipment and rules. They offer a fun and engaging way to stay physically active while also fostering a sense of community.

Leverage Technology

Assistive technology has made physical activity more accessible for individuals with disabilities. There are specialized fitness apps, video-guided exercises, wearable devices, and even virtual reality programs specifically designed for various physical capabilities. These technologies can help monitor your progress and make your workout more engaging.


Undeniably, navigating through a long-term disability settlement can be a taxing journey. However, this period also presents an opportunity to embrace new ways of staying physically active. By incorporating the tips shared in this article, you’re not just enhancing your physical well-being, but also instilling a resilient mindset geared towards a better future.

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