Dental CareMaintaining Good Oral Health and the Importance of Regular Dental Checkups

Maintaining Good Oral Health and the Importance of Regular Dental Checkups

Oral health is an essential part of overall health and well-being. Poor oral health can lead to dental problems like cavities, gum disease, bad breath and tooth loss. It can also negatively impact self-esteem and quality of life. Good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly are vital to maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Practicing Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene involves brushing, flossing and using mouthwash daily. It removes plaque, a film of bacteria that builds up on teeth. If plaque isn’t removed by brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar over time. Tartar provides an environment for bacteria to thrive and can lead to cavities and gum disease.


Brushing twice a day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste is recommended. Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities. Brushing removes plaque from tooth surfaces and freshens breath. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and brushing at a 45-degree angle along the gumline is most effective. Gently brushing the tongue also helps remove bacteria.


Flossing once daily removes plaque and food particles between teeth and below the gumline, where brushing can’t reach. This helps prevent cavities and gum disease. Carefully insert the floss between teeth and rub it up and down, avoiding snapping it against the gums.


Using an antiseptic mouthwash daily kills bacteria left behind after brushing and flossing. Swish the mouthwash around for 30-60 seconds. Mouthwash with fluoride also helps strengthen enamel and prevent cavities.

The Importance of Regular Dental Visits

Along with daily oral hygiene, visiting the dentist regularly is crucial for protecting oral health. The American Dental Association recommends dental cleanings and checkups twice a year. Here are key reasons why regular dental visits are so important:

Professional Cleanings

Even the most diligent brushing and flossing can’t entirely remove all plaque and tartar buildup. Over time, these can lead to cavities and gum disease. Regular professional cleanings remove stubborn deposits from places you can’t reach with at-home care.

Cavity Screenings

Dentists examine teeth closely for signs of cavities. Small cavities are more accessible to treat before they grow larger and become significant tooth decay, requiring fillings or possible tooth extraction. Early cavity detection and treatment can save teeth.

Gum Disease Screenings

Dentists check for signs of gum disease like gingivitis and periodontitis. In gingivitis, gums become inflamed and can bleed from bacterial infection. Periodontitis is an advanced stage where infection damages tissue and bone-supporting teeth. Treating gum disease early prevents extensive damage.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Dentists look for signs of oral cancer, including sores, lumps and lesions. Oral cancer screenings during dental checkups can detect cancer early when it’s most treatable.

Bad Breath Checks

Dentists can determine if bad breath is due to oral hygiene issues or other problems like dry mouth, infection, or illness. They can then provide treatment options accordingly.

Teeth Grinding/TMJ Checks

Jaw pain, worn tooth enamel and increased tooth sensitivity can indicate teeth grinding or jaw problems. Dentists can check for signs and provide options like mouthguards.


Dental X-rays detect cavities between teeth and problems below the gum line. Dentists recommend bitewing X-rays yearly and full mouth X-rays every few years.

Fillings and Other Dental Work

Going to the dentist twice a year gives ample opportunity to get issues like cavities filled before they worsen and cause more complex problems.

Oral Health Education

Dental visits include reviewing proper brushing and flossing techniques. Dentists can advise which products are best for your needs and how to care for dental work like braces or dentures properly.

What to Expect at the Dentist

What should you expect when you go to the dentist? Here is an overview of standard procedures and care at a typical checkup and cleaning appointment:

  • Medical history review – The dentist will ask about your current medications, health conditions, previous procedures and oral health concerns.
  • Oral cancer screening – The dentist will examine your face, neck, lips, tongue, throat, gums and other areas for abnormal texture, swelling or colour changes.
  • Exam of teeth and gums – The dentist will look in your mouth at each tooth surface and the gums. They check for cavities, plaque buildup, gum recession, and other issues.
  • Plaque and tartar removal – A dental hygienist will scrape plaque and tartar above and below your gumline and smooth any rough spots on tooth surfaces.
  • Polishing teeth – The hygienist then polishes your teeth with a rotating brush to remove stains and minor buildup.
  • Flossing – The hygienist will floss your teeth thoroughly after cleaning.
  • Fluoride treatment – A fluoride gel or foam will be placed on your teeth to strengthen enamel.
  • X-rays – Bitewing X-rays are often taken yearly to check between teeth. A complete set is taken every few years.
  • Review findings – The dentist will discuss what they saw in your mouth, recommend treatment for any issues and answer your questions.
  • Schedule next visit – Regular cleanings and checkups are usually scheduled every 6 months.

Visiting the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings is one of the best ways to protect your smile and prevent major dental problems. Discuss any questions or concerns with your dentist during your appointment. They can provide personalized guidance for improving your daily oral hygiene routine.

Finding the Right Dentist

Looking for a new dentist? Consider these helpful tips for finding the right dental care provider for your needs:

  • Get recommendations – Talk to friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers about their experiences with local dentists. This can provide honest insight into the quality of care.
  • Research credentials – Verify a dentist’s education, training, licensing and other credentials. Make sure they keep up to date with continuing education.
  • Consider convenience – Consider location, office hours, availability and ease of getting appointments that work with your schedule.
  • Evaluate services – Make sure the dentist offers all the services you need, from cleanings to braces to implants.
  • Check payment options – Know what types of dental insurance they accept or if financing is available if you pay out of pocket.
  • Read reviews – Look at online reviews to learn about patient experiences with the dentist and dental team.
  • Do a consultation – Schedule a consultation to meet the dentist in person, see the office environment and get a feel for their bedside manner.
  • Consider specialized needs – If you have a condition like sleep apnea or TMJ, find a dentist experienced in treating those issues. If you have dental anxiety, look for one with a gentle approach.

Choosing the right dentist for your unique oral health needs and comfort level is critical to having positive dental visit experiences. Set up a consultation with a dentist in Joondalup to see if they are a good fit.

Importance of Pediatric Dental Care

Proper pediatric dental care from an early age is essential for protecting children’s oral health. Here’s an overview of why routine dentist visits are so important for kids:

Disease Prevention

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children see a dentist by age 1 or within 6 months of the first tooth erupting. Early dental visits allow the dentist to assess for conditions like enamel defects, oral lesions or harmful habits that cause teeth grinding. They can guide in preventing tooth decay and erosion.

Training Proper Hygiene

A pediatric dentist can demonstrate proper brushing techniques and the amount of toothpaste for the child’s age. They can offer tips for transitioning from a bottle to a cup and handling habits like thumb-sucking. Establishing good habits early prevents extensive treatment later.

Fluoride and Sealants

Dentists can apply fluoride treatments and sealants to protect and strengthen children’s teeth. Sealants fill in pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces of back teeth, where cavities often develop. This guards against decay.

Detecting Problems

The dentist will x-ray and thoroughly examine the teeth and mouth for cavities, alignment issues, gum disease and other problems. Treating issues early avoids complications.

Jaw and Tooth Development

Dentists monitor jaw alignment and the development and loss of primary teeth. They can determine if orthodontic treatment is needed for emerging permanent teeth.

Reducing Fear

Children who get used to dental visits while young are less likely to develop anxiety about going to the dentist when they are older. Pediatric dentists are specially trained to put kids at ease.

Regular cleanings and checks by a pediatric dentist are essential for protecting little smiles. Schedule your child’s first dental visit by their first birthday.

Signs of Oral Health Problems

In between dental checkups be alert for any of these common signs of oral health issues:

  • Tooth pain or sensitivity can indicate a cavity, cracked tooth, abscess or other problem. Sensitivity to hot or cold foods or beverages is a common early sign.
  • Red, swollen or bleeding gums are the main symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis gum infections. Gums may also feel tender.
  • Persistent bad breath – Foul-smelling breath that brushing and mouthwash don’t improve could arise from gum disease, dry mouth or other issues.
  • White, red, or dark spots on teeth – Leukoplakia (white patches), red spots or darkening/discoloration may be precancerous lesions or cavities.
  • Loose permanent teeth can occur from gum disease, destroying tissues and bones that support teeth.
  • Changes in tooth alignment – Teeth that shift out of place could indicate emerging bite issues.
  • Jaw pain or stiffness may be a sign of teeth grinding or temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ/TMD).
  • Bumps, sores or lesions in the mouth – Canker sores, cold sores and some benign growths are common causes but other sores could be problematic.
  • Chipped, cracked or injured teeth – Damage to enamel or dentin allows decay-causing bacteria to enter a tooth more readily.

You are seeing a dentist promptly for examination and treatment when you notice oral health problems can prevent more extensive dental work down the road. Take your time getting evaluated.

When to See a Dentist Immediately

Most common dental issues like minor cavities or gum irritation can wait for your regular dental checkup. But some oral health symptoms require prompt attention from a dentist:

  • Knocked-out permanent tooth – Try gently returning it to the socket then see a dentist immediately to reimplant and splint it. Time is critical.
  • Chipped or fractured tooth – See a dentist within hours to repair the damage before bacteria enter and infect the tooth’s pulp.
  • Possible broken jaw – Go to the emergency room or dentist right away. Failing to align a dislocated jaw quickly can lead to chronic pain and bite issues.
  • Abscessed tooth – Severe, throbbing toothache with facial swelling indicates a tooth abscess that needs urgent dental treatment to drain infection and relieve pressure.
  • Bleeding that won’t stop – Uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth could result from a lost filling, anticoagulants or other issues that require prompt dental attention.
  • Severe toothache – Unbearable pain can result from advanced decay, infection or death of a tooth’s pulp tissue requiring extraction or root canal.

Be sure to get evaluated when you have a dental emergency. Prompt treatment by a dentist can often save a tooth and prevent additional complications—report concerning symptoms immediately.


Regular dental checkups, cleanings and daily oral hygiene are essential for protecting your smile and preventing issues like cavities and gum disease. Take your recommended dental visits every 6 months. Discuss any questions or concerns with your dentist and follow their guidance for optimal oral health between visits.

Finding the right dentist that offers your needed services in a comfortable office environment is critical to a positive experience. Monitor your mouth closely and see a dentist promptly for signs of dental problems or emergencies. With proper care and regular dental treatment, your smile can stay healthy and beautiful for life.



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